
Monthly Archives: July 2012

We made it through another weekend. It was one big, sweaty baseball-filled weekend. And because it’s Monday, I’m making today a minimal word post. I’ll fill you in on the last few days festivities through the greatness that is technology. And if you’re wondering, Lundi is Monday in French.

Friday Night

Saturday Night

Happy Monday!

What is your dream job? I remember exclaiming to Joe a few months ago how nice it would be to make money doing my favorite hobby. I’m not entirely sure what my favorite hobby is but it sounds really nice. Read for a living? Blog for a living? Hmm. I wonder…

I received a B.A. in Public Relations. I’m quite content doing a job in PR or a related field. I’m currently in the Marketing field as a newbie, but if things progress I may find myself doing it long-term. We’ll see though.

I picture a dream job being something that doesn’t feel like a job and something that makes you happy. I’ve always said that if I can go home everyday knowing I helped make someone’s day a little easier then I’ve done my job.

If you had just won the lottery and didn’t need to work for money, what would you do with your time? I think once I paid off any outstanding bills and gave my parents enough money for them to retire, I think I would travel. I’d find ways to help other organizations around the U.S. and world and learn as much as possible. Experience can really round out a person. If you’re always hungry for more, you’ll find ways to educate and experience the world around you. Simple as that.

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? According to artwork and homework assignments from my childhood that my mother still has in her house, I wanted to be a teacher. I’m not entirely sure why. At 23, I can’t imagine a room full of rugrats kids and being the driving force of their education. Whew! It’s too much for me. I give major props to those that are teachers. They are the ones shaping our future and we all know they deserve to be paid way more.

What piece of career advice would you give to someone just starting out in your field? For those still in college, intern for as many companies as possible. I interned for two different companies and I still didn’t think it was enough. Recognize when opportunities present themselves and take them up. For those fresh out of college (I may still be classified as such), continue learning skills well after you’ve left the classroom. You’ll look better on paper and you’ll have more opportunities in the long run. Constantly strive to find ways to better yourself personally and professionally. And don’t be afraid to ask questions or advice. I think I’m still working on that last one. We all have pitfalls. What matters is how you react, dust yourself off and get back up. Attitude is everything.

Biggest pet peeves? Leaving your turn signal on. Eating loudly (slurping, chomping). Lazy, unmotivated people. That mustang that’s always parked in my parking spot. Leftovers that aren’t eaten. Those people that use their speaker phone in public. That missing sock. Manpris (Man capris). People that wear too much cologne/perfume. Those baggers that don’t know how to properly bag at the grocery store. Um no! My english muffins do not go on the bottom! People that write “loose” when they really mean “lose.” I suppose this list could go on.

Biggest fears? Falling in the shower. Snakes. Anything that’s “pickled.” Finances. Taking life for granted (never want to do that).

Go link up with Neeley for this weeks Sunday Social.

Sunday Social

In March 2009, a bunch of my friends were making plans to go to the Texas Rangers Opening Day, the first Friday in April. I had never gone to a baseball game so my hesitations were getting the best of me. I had class that day and wasn’t sure if I’d even enjoy myself. I kept thinking, “It’s baseball. It’s like watching paint dry.”

I ended up conforming to the masses and became my friends +1. I wasn’t that concerned about missing French class. I was a great student and I hadn’t skipped class in forever. Mom, if you’re reading this, yes, occasionally I skipped class just because. I still graduated. No biggie.

Days from opening day, I made my way to Academy to pick out a generic Rangers shirt. There was no way I was walking into that stadium looking like I didn’t belong there.

The day arrived and my friend and I headed to the stadium to meet up with the rest of the guys. Since the decision to go was last minute, we didn’t get seats directly next to the rest of our friends. No worries. A little tailgating was in store. We also checked out the rest of the stadium and Rangers shop. I liked what I saw.

The atmosphere was the first thing that drew me into baseball; the sounds, excitement, the food. It all just meshed so well together, creating a perfect afternoon. Hot dogs, nachos and drinks later, we were ready for a little after party.

Luckily, the Rangers staff like to book concerts after a few games. This particular year, Roger Creager graced us with his presence. I remember because it was the first time I heard that song that goes, “Love ain’t what this songs about…”

And then he sings…

It’s about beer and whiskey and drinkin!

It’s about playin the fool and acting without thinking.

 Funny how I remember that one song.

It was a fantastic day and thus began my love affair with baseball. I’ll never complain about watching baseball or ask Joe to change the channel when the Rangers come on. I can always count on watching the Rangers when there’s nothing else on. Since then, I’ve gone to about 6 games each year and watched several more on t.v. I even went to a World Series game last October.

Aunie Sauce

I’m linking up with Annelise over at aunie Sauce for Just Because Fridays. Join me?

I’m off for a Rangers weekend with two back-to-back games. Hence the topic for today. Have an awesome Friday gang!

Is anyone else glad it’s almost the weekend? I’ve had a rough week and could really use a nice long nap. Let’s get to it though.

I love birthdays. I love my birthday. And just because my birthday is coming up, I wanted to share with you my current obsessions and my little birthday wish list. Mark your calendars for August 11th. I think I’m giving you plenty of time to get that something special in the mail for me 😉

1. Amphipod Hydraform Handheld Thermal-Lite 20 oz water bottle: I’ve been looking for a good water bottle to take on my runs. A hydration belt is too much right now so I think this water bottle is perfect.

2. iPod shuffle: I want to get rid of using arm bands. They are seriously annoying. This may not be a permanent solution, but for only $50 you really can’t go wrong.

3. Kettlebell: I’m ready for some kick ass arms!

4. Garmin Forerunner 504: This is a slightly older model (price conscience) but I love the layout of this one compared to round watches. It’s easy to read and would be nice on any run outside.

5. JVC Inner Ear Sports Clip Headphones: My current headphones are about to crap out on me. This is one of those “need” items.

And just because it didn’t really fit into my “fitness” wish list, I have one more thing that I’m wishing for:

I love this Cheerfully Charmed bubble statement necklace. It’s purtty! Have an awesome Thursday, ya’ll!

Defeat is a funny thing. It can define your attitude and your perception. It can hinder you or build you up. It can define how you live your life.

Last week, I hit the trail hoping for a good jog. I arrived around 7:00 p.m. looking for lots of shade and little sun. No luck. It was a pretty warm week with temperatures over 100. I pumped myself up for the run with some good music and began the 4-mile trek.

Nothing could really prepare me for the humidity and lack of wind that I was presented with. Summer runs concern me a lot. I’m always drinking plenty of water during the day and going for my outdoor workout sessions later in the evening. It’s a fairly good schedule. I’m so concerned with concentrating on how my body is feeling, so I don’t end up with heat stroke or fainting on the side of the trail. It’s a big fear of mine right now.

With all that running in my mind, I ended up walking most of the trail. I did do bursts of jogging that didn’t last too long. My mind just kept going back to my fears. I felt completely defeated.

As I was walking, I realized I shouldn’t let defeat get in my way. Even though I wasn’t jogging like I wanted to I was still going to complete those 4 miles. Yes, I was still a bit discouraged, but I was glad that I wasn’t going to give up. I made the decision to walk, but I was going to cover the same distance no matter what.

That’s the beauty of defeat. It’s only defeat if you let it. I go through so many emotions when I’m working out. Can I meet my goal? Will I be happy with my results? What else can I be doing to better myself? What other things can I try so I don’t get bored? I’ve taken on the challenge of working towards a healthy, active lifestyle. It’s not always easy.

Within the last year, I’ve really worked towards hitting the gym hard and finding ways to get outside and be active. Whenever I feel defeat coming on, my first thought always goes to one thing. I don’t want to start over. Too many times I’ve worked out for a few weeks then taken several weeks off. It’s a routine I was way too familiar with and I was looking for a change. I made that change and I work at it every single day. It’s not always perfect. I have days where I fall off a bit, sometimes even weekends, but I continue to work at it. I think that’s the point. You must always continue to work at bettering yourself. It’s a fight, but I’m not letting it defeat me.